Vintage Waxman products are for those with Respect.

Respect for yourself & Respect for your prized automobile.

When you look good, you feel good. Same goes for your horseless carriage.

That's the Vintage Waxman mantra.

These aren't just "detailing products." These are handcrafted automotive grooming goods geared for the aspiring, suave auto enthusiast.

The Vintage Waxman is You...


Hand Bottled. Hand Sealed.

Hand Labeled. Hand Packed.

Vintage Waxman's handcrafted automotive grooming goods offer an experience unlike any other brand in the market. We deliver goods that resemble vintage barbering products & scent to give you the most therapeutic detail therapy one can achieve. From classic label design to the apothecary style bottles, your automobile will have a clean, dapper appeal with a pleasant masculine scent as if it just left the barber shop.

Other car care brands offer adolescent scents like bubblegum, cotton candy and cherry in their products. Your car shouldn't have to smell like an elementary school playground.

Kids don't drive cars. 

Adults drive cars. 

Other car care brands leave your automobile smelling like a baker's-dozen different scents after a detail with tire shine that smells like banana candy, wax like orange creamsicles and soap like strawberry lollipops. This putrid potpourri of playground perfume leaves your schnoz senses dazed and confused. 

You're not the ice cream man. 

You're the Waxman

Your fine automobile should look and smell as good as you do after a trip to the barbershop: well-groomed with a masculine cologne to boot.

Vintage Waxman delivers the mantra of Scent Symmetry. Each product features Vintage Waxman's signature scent, "Eau de Waxman," a masculine blend of woodsy notes and a hint of musk and citrus. One scent to give you the detail therapy you deserve.

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